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Research data management

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Managing Indigenous data responsibly

Indigenous data sovereignty refers to the right of Indigenous peoples to control data from and about their communities and lands. It includes both the individual and collective rights to data access and to privacy.

The article, 'Trust in Scholarly Communications and Infrastructure: Indigenous Data Sovereignty' provides a brief overview of recent data sovereignty developments, along with the context that lies behind these activities.

Two sets of principles guide the collection and management of indigenous data:

  • OCAP: Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession. OCAP asserts that First Nations have control over data collection processes, and that they own and control how this information can be used. The First Nations Information Governance Centre offer this guide, which goes into further detail.
  • CARE: 'collective benefit', 'authority to control', 'responsibility', and 'ethics'. The Global Indigenous Data Alliance offers the following overview of CARE

Canada's Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy affirms that data related to research by and with First Nations, Métis, or Inuit must be managed in accordance with principles developed and/or approved by these communities. Data management plans (DMPs) should recognize Indigenous data sovereignty and include options for renegotiation of the DMP. 

More resources

First National Information Governance Centre

BC First Nations Data Governance Initiative

Indigenous Research Support Initiative (at UBC)