Mergent's rich InvesText module allows you to search for and download investment reports and analyses from a range of brokerage houses, banks, and investment firms. This is valuable information if you want to figure out the financial outlook of a company and how banks make their stock market decisions.
Find this module in the second-to-last tab in Mergent Online.
Once you are in the module, you will see 12 different search criteria you can use.
Let's use the example of a specific company's merger and acquisition information.
If you're looking for one of these, you'll want to expand the "Company Name/Ticker", and type the name of the company until Mergent suggests the ticker name of that specific company.
Then, you can add another search term. Here, I've selected "Subject"..
Click on "Use SUBJECT Lookup" to find the type of report- merger and acquisition reports. A pop-up will give you several options to choose from.
Search for or select the appropriate one. Then, go back to the main screen.
You may add more criteria here- including several of the same criteria. When you are done, click on :"submit" at the bottom of the list of criteria.
Then, click "View".
You can view any of these reports as the full-text PDF.