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Mergent Online

Get access to and learn how to use the financial database Mergent Online.

Creating a company comparison report

You can generate a custom report displaying chosen financial and ratios for multiple companies (up to 500). Results can be viewed and downloaded in Excel, Word, or PDF.  To learn how to do this, you can either follow the screenshots and text below or you can watch this video.

1.Follow the steps under 'The Basics' tab of this guide to locate either a company or a specific NAICS or SIC code. (If you are starting with a specific NAICS or SIC code, skip to step 3.)

2. Select the Competitors tab


3. Make sure all the companies you want to include in your report are listed. (You can remove unwanted companies later.)

If you would like to add a missing company, search the company name in the 'Add Company to Competitor List' box and click the 'Add' button.


4. When all the companies you want to compare are in your list (probably along with many more) click on the Add all to Company Analysis List link on the upper-right side of the page. 

5. Click the 'Company Comparison Report' link. (This report type displays values like ROE or ROI for competing companies side by side in your final report. The 'Multiple Company Report' option. on the other hand, displays all the information for each company in their own sections.)


6. Now you specify which companies you want to compare. On the My Mergent Tools page, select the companies you want in your final report and move them onto the report builder using the > button (circled in red in the next screen shot).


5. Now slect the financials and ratios you want in your report and move them onto the report builder using the > button.. 


7. Select the years you want included in your report and then select the format of the report - HTML, Word, Excel or PDF. Click on the Create button to generate the report.