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Four Feathers Writing Guide

Learn more about traditional Coast Salish teachings and approaches to learning that can support your development as an academic writer.


  1. Are you feeling anxious about starting your program? Watch the Gradschoolitis video that addresses those feelings. The transcript for that video is also available.
  2. Do you have concerns about academic writing? The Anxiety About Academic Writing guide provides information, tips, and suggestions from both a counselling and a writing perspective.
  3. If you’d like some suggestions on where to start, such as how to pick a topic, the Introduction to Academic Writing video (via Types of Academic Writing) and Brainstorming will provide information. Also, see Understand the Assignment to help you determine what you’re expected to do in your assignment.
  4. Once you’ve decided the general direction of your work, see Create a Preliminary Document Plan and Draft Your Thesis Statement for information and suggestions of how you can further refine your focus.
  5. Make time and creative space for your imagination and intellect to work together in your writing process. Journalling, art, spending time in nature, and meditating are just a few ideas for how you can make room for good ideas. What works best for you when you want to be creative?
  6. For help with learning skills, such as time management and note-taking, the Learning Skills guide has lots of information and suggestions. For more assistance, please sign up for a face-to-face or online session on topics such as time management, exam anxiety, and managing the stress of student life. Please also see Anxiety About Reading.
  7. To learn more about the types of writing you might be doing in your program, please watch Four Types of Academic Writing, which is a 4:31 section of the Introduction to Academic Writing video that is available via Academic Writing.
  8. To learn more about the academic style of writing, please watch Qualities of Academic Writing, which is an 8:02 section of the Introduction to Academic Writing video (available via Types of Academic Writing).
  9. Take advantage of all the supports that are available to you as a Royal Roads student, including (but not limited to):