Psychographics are attributes relating to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles of people. Demographics explain who your buyer is, while psychographics explain why they buy."
Meredith, A. (2014). How to use psychographics in your marketing: A beginner's guide. Retrieved from:
If you're thinking of targeting a specific psychographic group for your marketing plan, you might want to find out what parts of a city, province, or country they tend to live in. Luckily, the Library's Simply Analytics database can provide you with this info. Watch the short videos on the right to learn how to map psychographic data.
Social and demographic data can help you answer questions like the following:
Questions such as these can help you to define/identify your target market, where they live, and what they like to spend their money on.
Sources of stats
The Daily (from Statistics Canada): The Daily is Statistics Canada's release bulletin. It allows keyword searching so you can search recent (and not so recent) data announcements. Your results will include articles, statistical tables and reports.
Statistics Canada - A search of the Statistics Canada website will bring up a larger results list then The Daily. Note that the tables in your results can generally be customized by clicking on the 'Add/Remove Data' button.
Census Profiles 2016 (from Statistics Canada): Users can search for an area of interest by typing in its place name. The profiles include characteristics such as population, age, sex, dwellings, family composition, marital status and language. Data can be downloaded as a CSV or TAB file.
Survey of Household Spending (from Statistics Canada): Find out how much Canadians spend on things. Data can be downloaded as a CSV or TAB file.
Looking for more?
For more sources of statistical information, see the RRU Library's Stats and Data guide.
If you are going to conduct primary ethnographic research, you can learn about this research method using the 'Sage Research Methods' database.
Using visuals in your marketing plan or marketing presentation can help to illustrate key data and provide instant impact.
Community information database: Make quick statistical maps about Canadians.
Simply Analytics: Create thematic maps of Canada displaying demographic information, psychographic information, business locations and more. You can also produce spreadsheets listing the statistics that underlie the maps. There is a guide specifically for explaining Simply Analytics linked from here. There are also three video tutorials linked below.
(Access is limited to 10 concurrent users, so if you have trouble logging in, try again later.)
Simply Analytics is a tool for creating thematic Canadian maps displaying demographic information, consumer spending, psychographic information, business locations and more. You can also produce spreadsheets listing the statistics that underlie the maps. (Please note that access is limited to 10 concurrent users.)
The first tutorial for Simply Analytics orients you to the tool and demonstrates how to generate a map displaying your chosen variable. (5:36)
The second tutorial demonstrates how to generate a table displaying your chosen variable (age, income...) for your chosen locations. (3:14)
This third tutorial demonstrates how to apply filters to your map or table screening out locations that do not meet specific criteria. It also demonstrates how to overlay businesses according to their NAIC classification number. (4:34)
The fourth tutorial demonstrates how to generate spreadsheets listing the number and distribution of specific market segments within Canada. The market segments available in Simply Analytics were developed by Environics. To understand what these segments include, enter a postal code in this tool on their website.