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Looking for help sourcing films for your courses? These filtered lists of relevant films offer a good place to start.
Browse the subjects below and click to expand a curated collection of film lists.
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Business channels on YouTube
SAGE Research Methods: Business and management
Many of the video databases we subscribe to offer content with an Indigenous focus, as well as content by Indigenous filmmakers, across a range of topic areas. Here are some resources for finding films specific to Indigeneity.
The database Can-Core Academic Video has over 1800 Indigenous-focused films, segments, and podcasts across a wide range of topics. To focus your search on Indigenous content:
Curio is a CBC database with content curated into subjects and themes. Many of the themes centre the experience of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Here are a few themes you might be interested in:
SAGE Research Methods: Criminology and criminal justice
SAGE Research Methods: Communication and media studies
SAGE Research Methods: Marketing