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Quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing

Learn how to quote, summarize, and paraphrase other scholars' works and avoid plagiarism

What have you learned so far?

1. When should you consider using a direct quotation?

A. When you need to analyze the language of the text in your writing
B. When you want to incorporate highly technical information into your text
C. When you want to show different sides of the argument in the debater’s own words
D. All of the above

2. When considering adding a direct quotation, you need to check:

A. How the quotation or paraphrase fits into your text grammatically
B. If the original writer used proper grammar when writing his work
C. If your teacher has ever read the quotation before
D. What else the author has written

3. No matter how long the quotation, as long as it has quotation marks around it, you’ve done your job. 

A. True 
B. False


Quiz answers

1. D
2. A
3. B 

Author credit

Adapted from "Using someone else's words: Quote, summarize, and paraphrase your way to success" © Center for Teaching and Faculty Development at San Francisco State University. Adapted with permission.