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Curating your scholarly identity

A guide to help busy researchers raise the profile of their research

Google Scholar

A Google Scholar profile provides you with a way to display your publications in one place, while also tracking citation metrics. Information is presented in a clear way with graphs and a browseable list of publications. It’s a free way to promote yourself and increases your presence in Google Scholar search results.

Google has probably already been indexing your research over time as part of their functionality as a search engine, so it makes sense to start here. Google Scholar is one of the most commonly used platforms for finding scholarly articles and researchers.

  1. Log on to and click the “My Profile” link at the top left of the page to get your account setup started.
  2. Add your affiliation and email address. Add keywords about research interests, so others can find your work when searching a discipline or subject area. Add a link to your research website or ORCID, if you have one.
  3. Google Scholar will provide you with articles that may belong to you. Confirm that the articles are yours. If you don’t see your articles or if there are any missing, click “Search articles”, search for your work, and add your articles one at a time. Click the blue arrow at the top of the page for the next step. There may be articles listed that you don’t want on your profile or written by a researcher with a similar name. You can delete those after you have created your account.
  4. Set your profile to “public” by clicking the pencil icon beside your name and selecting “Make my profile public” in the window that appears. If you want to make your profile to private again, click the pencil icon next to your name to revert to private.
  5. Optional: add a photo by clicking the avatar next to your name.

For more information, visit the official Google Scholar help page.