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Curating your scholarly identity

A guide to help busy researchers raise the profile of their research

Step one: Google yourself

Try Googling yourself as a first step to get a sense of what your online presence currently looks like. 

Consider the following questions as you browse the search results.

  1. What did you find? Profiles, social media pages, personal websites, profiles of individuals with a similar name? Were there any images?
  2. Did you like everything you found? Is that what you wanted to find? On the flip side, did you not find anything about you at all?
  3. How can you improve what you found about yourself? What do you want to change? What would you like people to know about you? Is it important for you to define your professional and personal online presences separately?
  4. What do you want to rise to the top of the list of search results? What do you want to delete or push down in the list of search results?

Click through the tabs to learn more about how you can curate your scholarly identity effectively and efficiently as possible.

Google Web Search

Step two: Claim your scholarly identity

Claim your online scholarly identity by using scholarly networking and profiling services to create profiles and pages that major search engines index and bring to the top of search results, thereby pushing pages you do not want to share further down the page.

Save yourself time and effort by first creating profiles that will find and import your work and populate the profile for you! The following three profiles are recommended so that you can take advantage of any automatic import or API functionality to streamline the process of updating and maintaining your profiles over time. They’ll run in the background and either automatically add or prompt you to add to your profile when it finds your new publications.

  1. Google Scholar
  2. ORCID
  3. Scopus

As you're making decisions about where to share your information and what information to share, take a look at some key considerations for scholarly profiles.