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Publishing peer-reviewed journals and research reports are integral to the research dissemination process; however, these resources can be inaccessible and unknown to the wider public(s) or other non-scholarly audiences. While it is recommended to share your publications on your social media channels, there are many other mediums that are more engaging and user-friendly for the public. These mediums are useful in reaching other audiences of interest to you, such as industry, policymakers, practitioners, etc.
Presenting your research using a diversity of formats will help make it more discoverable. While some people enjoy short, high-level videos, others prefer in-depth data visualizations. Therefore, reformatting your research outcomes helps offer multiple points of entry for a diversity of audiences.
Examples of reformatted media: videos, blog posts, data visualizations, music, art, video games, podcasts, and displays or exhibits.
Adapted from "Academic Research Curation Best Practices" by CRC Research licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
A video featuring Dr. Vannini, Royal Roads University on incorporating filmmaking into research and discussing the increasing collaboration between academic and artistic forms.
A video on using creative and visual approaches in research and dissemination by SAGE Publishing.