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RRU participates in a number of transformative agreements as a member of the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) that provide waivers and/or discounts on article processing charges (APCs) in certain OA journals.
See below for an overview of each agreement. Visit CRKN's Open Access Publishing page for full details.
New: Use the SciFree Journal Search Tool to search for titles offering an APC waiver or discount through RRU's transformative agreements.
RRU is a participating member institution in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) agreement to receive a waiver on APCs for over 1,800 Elsevier Hybrid journals and a 20% discount on APCs for most Elsevier Gold Open Access journals. Cell Press, The Lancet, and some other society-owned journals are excluded.
Corresponding Authors must indicate their affiliation with a participating member institution upon submitting their manuscript to receive the discount on eligible publications. See CRKN's website for a list of included titles and instructions on workflows to access these offers.
RRU is a participating member institution in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) agreement to receive a waiver on APCs in eleigible Oxford University Press (OUP) Hybrid journals and a 10% discount on APCs for OUP's Gold Open Access journals.
Authors must indicate their affiliation with a participating member institution upon submitting their manuscript to receive the waiver or discount on eligible publications. See CRKN's website for a list of eligible hybird titles and instructions on workflows to access these offers.
RRU is a participating member institution in CRKN's agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and are eligible to receive a 15% discount on APCs for all RSC hybrid OA journals.
Processing of the 15% discount for hybrid OA journals is done automatically when authors indicate their affiliation to a CRKN member institution upon submitting their manuscript. See the CRKN website for details.
SAGE Choice (Hybrid OA) Journals
RRU is a participating member institution in CRKN's transofrmative read and publish agreement with SAGE Publishing. RRU authors receive a waiver of the APC to publish OA in over 900 SAGE Choice journals (journals excluded from SAGE Choice are listed here).
The SAGE Choice program offers authors the option to make their articles freely available upon publication in most subscription-based SAGE Journals.
SAGE Gold OA Journals
Gold OA journals automatically and immediately make their articles available online at no cost to readers. As a particpating member institution in CRKN's agreement, RRU authors receive a 40% discount on APCs for participating SAGE gold OA journals (SAGE gold OA journals that are not eligible for the discount are listed here).
Processing of the 40% discount for gold OA journals and the APC waiver for SAGE Choice journals is done automatically via the SAGE Open Access Portal (SOAP) when corresponding authors identify themselves as affiliated to a participating CRKN institution.
SOAP is a dashboard for authors to submit their article, select a copyright license, assign a bill payer (if applicable), and view article status. A Creative Commons license will be applied to OA publications unless a different license is requested by the author. If an author is eligible for more than one discount for gold journals, discounts cannot be combined but the highest discount available will be applied to the APC due.
RRU is a participating member institution in CRKN's open access agreement with Taylor & Francis. This agreement provides a 25% discount on APCs for RRU authors who publish their articles as open access in Open Select hybrid Taylor & Francis and Routledge journals. Medical journals are excluded from the agreement.
Processing of the 25% discount is done automatically when authors select the Open Access Publishing option when submitting their article, and indicate their affiliation to a participating CRKN member institution when the APC quote is generated.
RRU is a participating member institution in CRKN's two-year transformative read-and-publish agreement with Wiley. This agreement waives APCs for RRU authors who publish their articles as open access in Wiley hybrid OA journals during the term of the agreement
This agreement does not include articles published in gold OA Wiley journals. For more information a list of hybrid OA Wiley titles, see Wiley's Author Services site.
Processing of the APC waiver is done automatically via the Wiley Author Services Dashboad when corresponding authors identify themselves as affiliated to a participating CRKN institution.