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When you find an article or other resource via the RRU Library databases, the URL of the page displaying that article is often not a stable URL (i.e., one that you can use later to go back to that article, or share with other RRUers). Different database have different stable-link-generating procedures. Sometimes the URLs can be altered in ways that make them stable; sometimes there is a feature within the database that will help with this process.
We've provided step-by-step instructions for creating stable links to content in each of our databases. To use this guide:
Note: You will see references to the "OpenAthens link generator" in many of the instructions in this guide. RRU uses a proxy software called OpenAthens to enable subscriber access to Library online resources. Frequently, both OpenAthens information and specific database information are required to make stable URLs to content.
If you encounter any problems while creating links to your resources, please Ask Us!