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How to write a graduate-level essay

Step-by-step guidance and resources for planning, researching, and writing essays as a graduate student.

LEAD personal leadership challenge reflective paper

Please note: The examples provided here are illustrations only and may not reflect the current course assignment. Students should not rely on this information to shape their assignments but should instead refer to the assignment description provided by their instructor(s).

1. Assignment description: LEAD: Personal leadship challenge (PLC) description.

2. Marked-up versions with verbs, keywords, and instructions indicated: LEAD: PLC description mark-up.

Condensed interpretation of the assignment:

  • 1000-1500 words, excluding references 
  • identify personal leadership challenge currently facing in workplace
  • reflect on personal responsibility for challenge
  • demonstrate openness to shifting challenge through own personal learning
  • choose issue that is:
    • personal and immediate
    • challenge that can be addressed internally without relying on further organizational support or action
    • situation must be able to be improved through applying skills and knowledge gained in first term
    • must be able to identify potential change in situation through application of change in behaviour, new knowledge, or interactions with others
    • scope: problem must be small enough to address after first term but sufficiently interesting to keep interest for 11 weeks of term
  • demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills by:
    • selecting and using appropriate research evidence from readings
    • quote from organizational materials to contextualize challenge
  • refer to guiding questions for content direction
  • formatting and submission expectations:
    • APA 6th edition formatting rules for citations and references
    • Word doc
    • Submit to drop box

Dr. Brigitte Harris, Director of the School of Leadership, approved this interpretation of the assignment.

DEMN linking theory with practice

Please note: The example provided here is only an illustration and may not reflect the current course assignment. Students should not rely on this information to shape their assignments but should instead refer to the assignment description provided by their instructor.

For the full assignment description, please click here: DEMN linking theory with practice.

To see the version with the verbs, keywords, and instructions indicated, click here: DEMN linking theory with practice mark-up.

Condensed interpretation of the assignment:

  • 6 page (1500 words) argumentative essay, not including title page or references
  • Select real disaster and emergency management practice problem from own practice or intended area of practice
  • Critically review peer-reviewed research to find 5 or 6 research articles that improve personal understanding of problem
  • Required essay components:
    • Describe the problem and situate it in own professional context
    • Synthesize and critique literature findings
    • Use literature as evidence to support arguments re: how to address problem/issue
    • Provide analysis on how research evidence supports and informs practice = demonstrate critical thinking
  • See suggested process in assignment
  • Mandatory components:
    • APA format guidelines
    • Title page
    • Introduction - no heading required
    • Section/sub-section headings
    • Research evidence from literature that supports argument(s).
      • Show opposite side of argument when relevant
    • Conclusion that summarizes points from paper and suggests implications for research/practice
    • References (APA format)
    • All pages are included in the page count and are therefore numbered; however, the title page doesn't show a number.

The interpretation of this assignment was approved by Dr. Jean Slick, director of the School of Humanitarian Studies and faculty member for the MA in Disaster and Emergency Management program.