A journal alert automatically notifies you via email or RSS feed when new content from a journal is available. Alerts can be created from the Library's research databases and publisher's websites. By subscribing to alerts you can:
The easiest way to set up journal alerts is to find the journal in a database. Access the A-Z database list on the library homepage.
Popular databases for setting up journal alerts:
When setting up alerts:
Search for journal or publisher websites
The easiest way to search for a particular journal is through searching 'Journals' tab in the main search box on on the RRU library homepage. This feature is a listing of every journal to which the Library subscribes, whether it is in print or online.
Enter the journal title you are interested in. Your results may show that you have access to the same journal or magazine through more than one source. You can pick whichever source you like, but first make sure that the source you select has the coverage you want. Does journal access go far enough back in time, or is it current?
Once you locate the journal, click on the journal title to go directly to where you have access to articles.
From here, look for an email or RSS alert option.
You will need to sign up for a free personal account or profile before you can save searches or create alerts. These accounts are not connected to your RRU credentials so you will need to keep track of the account credentials you create.
Sample publisher alert help guides:
Journal TOCs (Table of Contents)
Follow journals:
Search for articles by keyword and save searches:
View saved searches and followed journals from your account settings:
For more information, see the Journal TOCs help guide.