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Instructor resources from the Writing Centre

Writing Centre resources specifically designed for RRU instructors

Communicate expectations for writing

As part of the SET Presents series, Jo Axe (Professor, School of Education and Technology) and Theresa Bell (Manager, Blended Learning Success) presented "Communicating Expectations for Writing" on March 14, 2019. The goal of the session was for participants to have new strategies for clearly communicating expectations about writing to students. During the hour-long session, the following faculty members each shared strategies and resources that they have found helpful: 

  • Mary Bernard, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Cheryl Heykoop, School of Leadership
  • Zhenyi Li, School of Communication 
  • Mickie Noble, School of Environment and Sustainability
  • Jean Slick, School of Humanitarian Studies
  • Todd Thexton, School of Business
  • Eugene Thomlinson, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

In particular, the panelists spoke to the following questions:

  • How do you clearly communicate to your students what your expectations are for their writing, aside from the content necessary for the assignment, such as the writing style, structure, or organization?
  • How do you express expectations for writing in different types of assignments e.g., research paper, report, reflective work, Moodle posts, blog posts?
  • When students start writing for you, how do you communicate what you expect from their writing that could be different from other instructors?

Please see below to view the recording of the session. The resources mentioned during the session are linked below.



Student-facing resource with sample questions for instructors