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Understand alternatives to standard bibliographic metrics and how they can help you measure your research impact.

Altmetric data providers

There are three major providers of altmetric data:

Visit the Measuring Research Impact tab for more information on these providers and how their data can be used to measure your research impact.

Article-level altmetrics

The Altmetric bookmarklet is a free tool provided by Altmetrics that allows you to locate altmetric data for articles in arXiv, PubMed and any other article with a digital object identifier (DOI).

Tips for using the bookmarklet tool:

  • Compatible with Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers
  • Can be added to your bookmarks toolbar for easy access
  • The article must have available altmetric data for the Altmetric donut (below)  to appear on your screen. The donut overviews the online attention the individual article as received and uses this information to provide an score for the article. 


Altmetrics in other resources

Altmetric data is provided for individual articles by several journal publishers and databases. These include Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and EBSCO-hosted databases. These publishers may provide this data using a major data provider (e.g. Plum, Altmetric) or track this data internally.

Here are some example of altmetric data for two articles, one in a Taylor & Francis journal and another in found in EBSCO-hosted database: