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Practical instructions for installing and using Mendeley citation manager.

Practice adding one or two of these citations

Here are two sample book citations for you to practice manually adding citations to your Mendeley library


Title: The Gamification of Work - Uses of Games in Workplaces

Authors: Emmanuelle Savignac

Year of publication: 2017

Edition: 1st

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

More information about the book:


Title: The leadership challenge : how to make extraordinary things happen in organizations

Authors: J.M. Kouzes & B.Z. Posner

Year of publication: 2017

Edition: 6th

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

More information about the book:

Add references manually

Sometimes you will have to enter your citations manually. In which case:

  • open your Mendeley Reference Manager software
  • click on 'Add new' in the top left corner
  • select the 'Add entry manually'

  • in the next window, first select the type of document you are saving. Journals and books, for example, need different citation details. Once you have chosen the document type, fill out the form