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Practical instructions for installing and using Mendeley citation manager.

Read this first!

For a variety of reasons, RRU Library is no longer supporting the Mendeley citation manager. We recommend and support Zotero instead.

The information in this guide is no longer being updated. If you are already using Mendeley, we hope the information here continues to be of assistance. However, if you are just beginning to think about using a citation manager, we encourage you to visit our Zotero Help Guide instead. That guide will walk you through the steps of downloading, installing, and using Zotero and provide further information on library support options. 


There are many ways to add citations to your Mendeley library, outlined under the 'Collecting citations' tab of this guide, The pages in this section of the guide help you practice some of the more common ones.

Using the directions on the left side of this page, and the citation(s) listed on the right side, practice adding this/these citation(s) to your Mendeley library.Instructions for Paste and Spellcheck