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Practical instructions for installing and using Mendeley citation manager.

Read this first!

For a variety of reasons, RRU Library is no longer supporting the Mendeley citation manager. We recommend and support Zotero instead.

The information in this guide is no longer being updated. If you are already using Mendeley, we hope the information here continues to be of assistance. However, if you are just beginning to think about using a citation manager, we encourage you to visit our Zotero Help Guide instead. That guide will walk you through the steps of downloading, installing, and using Zotero and provide further information on library support options. 

Synching your collection

You can synchronize your Mendeley collection across computers, devices, and the cloud-based back up.

When you are in Mendeley Reference Manager', click on the 'sync' icon in the top right corner.

Creating folders

To create a folder in your Mendeley Reference Manager:

On the left side of your screen, click on 'New collection'

creating new folder in Mendeley

  • Give the folder a name

Organizing citations

Citations can be stored in more than one folder.

To copy a citation into another folder, locate the citation and click and drag it into the destination folder.